As we are in the process of setting up a new farm we do not have anything available for sell locally.
Lewis Family Farm
One of my side businesses is selling parts on sites like Ebay, Amazon and Walmart. Here are links to the items I sell.

Click To See All My Ebay Items
A Link To Amazon
Some Items I have Found Indispensable at the best prices I could find. (These are not my items)
I saw your chicken tractor and want to make one. You mentioned in the video that the plans are on your site in the chicken section. Would you please direct me to them?
Thank you for making that video and sharing what you did. It’s much appreciated here.
Daniel it is on the chicken and poultry page. I don’t have complete plans.
Just curious; have you ever considered selling a “Kit” for making the 55Gal cattle waterer? I’ve got the big blue drum…just need the auto float valve and tubing to connect to standard garden hose.
If so, what would the cost be?
No pressure, just asking!
I have not, but I sent you a materials list by email. Thanks,
Good morning. My name is Thomas from Virginia building a chicken coop for a friend she had 3 chickens and 6 ducks. Could you please email me a copy of your material list for the chicken tractor please. Thank you very much.
Have a great day.
I had replied by email, the best list I have is on the chicken page towards the bottom. Thanks
Do you sell the coops as well ? And I am going to try out your bucket watering system. My phone number is 503-410-xxxx
Sincerely, Tony Amrine
Tony I don’t sell coops but thanks for checking. I removed your number from your post, as it appears publicly when you comment. Thanks,
Had to buy it on eBay couldn’t get it on your page
Thanks for letting me know.
Hi There! Great website and very informative. I’m looking for a Dexter heifer, would you be feeling one or know of anyone doing so? Also would be interested in a few Buff Orpington chicks as well.
Sorry I will not have any good heifers for sale until after 2020 as I am building my herd and keeping them. I do know of a farm in Chillicothe that will have heifers next fall, if interested just contact me through the contact me page and I will relay his phone number.
We sold our purebred buffs but will have the following chicks available this spring:
Lewis Mix $2
Easter Eggers $2
Black Jersey Giants $3
Welsummers $2
Rhode Island Reds $2
Wheaten Penedesenca $4
Muscovy Ducklings $4
Khaki Campbell Duckling $2-$3
Guineas $4
Prices are per chick straight run.
I would very much like to get some Wheaten Penedesenca. I have been looking for these a very long time.
Can you ship? I would take up to a dozen or more if they are available. I will also add some Welsummers if you need to add more chicks for shipping.
You can contact me at 903-227-xxxx or
I had replied to you through email, sorry I couldn’t help with the Penedesencas.
Did not mean “feeling”, darn spell check! Meant selling
Hello. I really like your chicken tractor caltavater to go in between the garden rows. Do you have a material list that goes with this. Thank you very much
I do for the original one I built, it is here
I have a 20 Anniversary Limited Edition Daisy 880 pellet gun with a broken bolt assembly. I purchased yours on Amazon. On the website I saw it said this bolt could be modified to fit my vintage but I could not determine how it needs to be modified. Help please! Thank you.
I see you sell rebuild kits for crossman air rifles. What kit would I need for the Model 760/20? It was a commemorative version.
It has the brass compression chamber with a brass release pin.
I’m looking at the part 1244A on Amazon for a buddy’s 1958 ford 800 tractor. It’s a 12 volt system. He currently has points that keep coming lose. I suggested going to a kit like yours. How reliable are they? He only uses the tractor for his hunting lease. Food plots, brush hogging and discing up the soil. I have 65 years of shade tree mechanics experience. With 27 years in IT. How technical is the process to install your kit?
I need a rebuild kit / seal kit for a Daisy 717. It has a “O” ring ,foam oil wiper,& a leather or plastic seal to pump the air. The last seal is the one I can’t find! I hope you can help me.