FREE Books


I am always reading and learning new things. I have hundreds of public domain books that I find relevant to what I do. People often disregard older ways and technologies at their own folly. Here are some free books that are public domain, so feel free to share with others. I will be adding to this constantly as I get more.


If you have a public domain book I don’t have listed that is relevant to small farming or homesteading please send it my way and I will add it to this collection. If you are the author of an ebook that would like to share let me know as well, I am always for sharing knowledge.

Currently these will only be organized by the general subject, later I will try to give a rating to each and list them in that order. I will label anything under 20 pages as a Pamphlet.

Book Categories:




Other Livestock

General Homesteading/Farming






  1. Rational Beekeeping & Disease Prevention
  2. Beekeeping North Carolina 1917 Pamphlet
  3. Beekeeping Pamphlet
  4. The Home Apiary Pamphlet
  5. How to Produce Extracted Honey 1904

Cattle Books:

  1. 30 Years Among Cows 1897
  2. The Beef Bonanza, or How To Get Rich On The Plains 1887
  3. The Cow 1922
  4. Feeding Cows for Profit 1914
  5. Effect of Pasture on Grade of Beef 1941
  6. Economic Factors in Cattle Feeding 1912
  7. Comparison of Methods of Preparing Corn and Clover Hay for Fattening Stress 1905
  8. Cattle Feeding in Relation to Farm Management 1925
  9. Beef Production 1908
  10. Beef Production in the East 1918
  11. Beef Mutton and Wool 1920
  12. A Technical Study of the Digestibility of Corn Stover Silage for Beef Cows 1927
  13. War Time Beef Production 1944
  14. The Utilization of Soft Corn in Beef Cattle Feeding 1928
  15. Summer Rations for Fattening Steers
  16. Short Fed Steers 1909
  17. Self Feeding Silage to Beef Cattle From Horizontal Silos 1959
  18. Progressive Beef Cattle Raising 1920
  19. Maintenance Rations for Beef Breeding Cows 1906
  20. How to Choose a Good Cow How to Select Cows 1882
  21. How to Choose a Good Cow 1911
  22. Hereford Cattle Premier Beef Breed of the World 1919
  23. Dexter Cattle ADCA Handbook
  24. Cattle and Dairy Farming 1887
  25. Cattle 1853
  26. A Handbook for the Man Who Keeps Cows for Profit 1912
  27. Everyman His Own Cattle Doctor 1814
  28. Small Dairy Innovators Pamphlet 2010
  29. Beef Cattle Production 1966 Pamphlet
  30. Finishing 2 Year Old Steers with Grass and Grain Pamphlet 1940
  31. A Low Cost Shelter and Feed Storage Unit for Beef Cattle Pamphlet 1959
  32. Dairy Farming 1915
  33. American Dairying A Manual For Butter and Cheese Makers-1876
  34. Cattle Their Breeds Management and Diseases-1836
  35. Silvopasture Handbook 2008
  36. Dairy Farming 1862
  37. Dairying Exemplified 1787
  38. Dairy Farming 1912
  39. Dairy Farming 1911
  40. Dairy Farming What Cows to Buy How to House Feed….. 1912
  41. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming 1867



  1. A Technical Study of the Growth of White Leghorn Chickens 1931
  2. Breeding Rearing and Fattening All Kinds of Poultry 1819
  3. Care and Incubation of Hatching Eggs 2000 pamphlet
  4. Common Sense on Poultry Raising 1906
  5. Constructing a Plywood Incubator Pamphlet 1997
  6. Controlling Newcastle Disease in Village Chickens 2001
  7. Culling Hens Pamphlet 1997
  8. Economic Aspects of Retailing Chicken Meat 1953
  9. Egg Quality Pamphlet
  10. Housing for Layer Production Pamphlet 2001
  11. Incubating and Hatching Eggs Pamphlet 2001
  12. Progressive Poultry Raising 1920
  13. Raising Chicks Artificially 1906
  14. Science Applied to Poultry Raising 1920
  15. Successful Poultry Raising 1915
  16. Sustainable Chicken Production Pamphlet 1998
  17. The Chicken Broiler Industry 1971
  18. The Chicken Business in California 1951
  19. The Kellerstrass Way of Raising Chickens 1909
  20. The Minorca Fowl 1893
  21. The Structure of the Fowl 1915
  22. The Sussex Fowl 1920
  23. Beetons Book of Poultry and Domestic Animals: Showing How to Rear and Manage Them-1870
  24. How to Begin and Survive a Commercial Gamebird Farm
  25. Farm Poultry 1912
  26. Game Farming for Profit and Pleasure 1915

Other Livestock:

  1. Care and Management of Rabbits-1920
  2. Feeding Pigs on Pasture 1924
  3. Domestic Animals 1959
  4. Domestic Animals a Pocket Manual of Cattle Horse and Sheep Husbandry 1858
  5. Introduction To Missouri Fishes 2011
  6. Our Domestic Animals in Health and Disease Volume 1 1871
  7. Our Domestic Animals in Health and Disease Volume 2 1871
  8. Our Domestic Animals Their Habits Intelligence and Usefulness 1907


General Homesteading/Farming:

  1. Foxfire 1
  2. Foxfire 2
  3. Foxfire 3
  4. Foxfire 4
  5. Ten Acres Enough
  6. Household and Farmers Cyclopedia 1878
  7. Successful Farming; A Ready Reference On All Phases Of.. 1916
  8. Farmers Cyclopedia of Agriculture 1904
  9. Biennial Report Kansas State Board of Ag 1913
  10. Farming 1918
  11. Annual Iowa Year Book of Agriculture 1908
  12. Farm Practice in Northeast Missouri 1908
  13. Elementary Agriculture 1916
  14. Principles of Agriculture 1891
  15. Cyclopedia of American Agriculture vol 1 1907
  16. Cyclopedia of American Agriculture Vol 2-1909
  17. Cyclopedia of American Agriculture Vol 3 1922
  18. The Construction of Concrete Fence Posts 1910
  19. Dry Farming 1909
  20. Facts for Farmers; Compost, Animals, Buildings, Crops, Irrigation 1865
  21. Diseases of Domestic Animals and Poultry…. 1915
  22. Farm Appliances a Practical Manual 1913
  23. Feeds and Feeding 1916
  24. Farm Implements and the Principles of their Construction 1859
  25. Farm Economy A Cyclopedia of Agriculture for the Practical Farmer 1915
  26. Farm Buildings With Plans 1917
  27. Farm Machinery And Farm Motors 1908
  28. Farming Costs 1921
  29. Rotational Grazing Pamphlet 2010
  30. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry 1860
  31. Experimental Agriculture 1849
  32. Farming for Boys How to Begin How to Proceed and what to Aim At 1869
  33. Soils and Fertilizer 1916
  34. Fox Trapping a Book of Instruction Telling how to Trap Snare Poison and Shoot 1906
  35. Garden Farming 1913
  36. Homesteading two Prairie Seasons 1918
  37. Insects Affecting Domestic Animals – an Account of the Species of Importance in North America 1896
  38. Life in the Back Woods – a Guide to the Successful Hunting and Trapping of all Kinds of Animals 1875
  39. Jacques New Manual of the Garden Farm and Barnyard 1870
  40. Meat Curing and Sausage Making 1922
  41. Mink Trapping a Book of Instruction Giving Many Methods of Trapping 1906
  42. Practical Farming 1907
  43. Practical Farming and Gardening – Money Saving Methods in Farming 1914


  1. Sawdust Mulches For Larger Crops Better Soils 1955
  2. Hydroponics 1977
  3. Hydroponics for the Home Gardener
  4. Backyard Composting 1975
  5. Basic Soil Improvement for Everyone 1983
  6. Biochar and SCAD
  7. Progressive Farming 1949
  8. Basic Book of Organic Gardening
  9. Duckweed Pamphlet 2010
  10. Vegetable Garden Encyclopedia
  11. A-B-C of Gardening-1915
  12. American Grape Training-1893
  13. Beginners Book of Gardening-1911
  14. Integrated Agri Aquaculture Systems 2003
  15. Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems 1979
  16. Gardening For Fun and Food 1977
  17. Pearl Millet 1903 Pamphlet
  18. Managing Cover Crops Profitably Hairy Vetch 2007 Pamphlet
  19. Forage Crops Other Than Grasses 1900
  20. Fertilizers How to Make Them -1885
  21. Fruit Farming for Profit a Practical Treatise 1911
  22. Forest Planting 1893
  23. Red Clover Pamphlet
  24. Forage Crops 1900
  25. Garden Guide the Amateur Gardeners Handbook 1917
  26. Garden Vegetables and how to Cultivate Them 1866
  27. Grape Culture and Wine Making in California1888
  28. How to Grow Vegetables and Garden Herbs – a Practical Handbook and Planting Table for the Vegetable Gardener 1911
  29. How to Succeed with the Home Orchard 1920
  30. Injurious Insects of the Orchard Vineyard Field Garden Conservatory Household etc with Remedies for Their Extermination 1883
  31. Irrigation and Drainage 1918
  32. Irrigation for the Farm Garden 1893
  33. Modern High Farming 1886



Where There Is No Dentist 2009



  1. Tubular Plastic Bio-Digesters 2002
  2. The Biogas Bio Fertilizer Business Handbook Manual 1982
  3. Guide to Residential Wood Heating 2002
  4. A Chinese Biogas Manual 1976
  5. Application of Biomass-Energy Technologies 1993
  6. BioFuels for Transportation 2006
  7. Biogas Pamphlet
  8. Fuel Gas From Cow Dung
  9. Fuel From Farms
  10. Hydrogen Wind BioDiesel and Ethanol
  11. Biogas Plants in Animal Husbandry
  12. Biogas Technology in the 3rd World
  13. Design and Operation of a Full-Scale Anaerobic Dairy Manure Digester
  14. Practical Building of Methane Power Plants
  15. The Anaerobic Digestion of Livestock Wastes to Produce Methane
  16. Biogas and Waste Recycling
  17. Biogas Systems in India 1983
  18. Compost, Fertilizer, and Biogas Production from Human and Farm Waste in China
  19. Distillation of Alcohol and De-Naturing
  20. Running a Biogas Programme
  21. Village Technology Handbook
  22. Burning Brick in Down Draft Kilns 1905

11 thoughts on “FREE Books”

  1. I just want to mention I am just new to blogs and honestly loved this blog site. Very likely I’m likely to bookmark your website . You amazingly have exceptional article content. Thanks for sharing with us your website.

  2. Great site. put me dow as a believer. Pretty good gardener and composter. Looking at meat chickens and eggs. Had cattle before, but commercial way not p[rofitable. Looking at Dexter or Lowline. Add me to your list and thanks a million for your site.

  3. I tried to open different homesteading site but it always opened to a blank page.
    Wgat am I doing wrong?

  4. It’s refreshing to pull wisdom from past authors who paved the way for modern thought while also influencing various fields you engage with regularly. Thank you for this!

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Small Scale Farming